Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 1-1 Coaching

Propel Your Business to the TOP of Google with Simple SEO Strategies

Are you tired of seeing your small business website buried beneath a sea of competitors on Google's search results? Do you dream of having your website ranked at the top, attracting targeted organic traffic and reaping the rewards of increased visibility and revenue - without having to pay for ads or post constantly on social media??

When you sign up for one-on-one live SEO coaching, you'll get

  • 3 months of live, one-on-one coaching calls
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to optimize each part of your website
  • Unlimited access for follow-up questions via email or phone
  • Weekly SEO reports charting your website's progress

Once you've completed my private SEO coaching program, you'll know

  • How the search engines work
  • How to optimize a website to rank on Google
  • The proper way to blog
  • How to find complementary keywords to bring even more traffic to your site


Let’s Chat About How To Get Google Working to Bring You More Customers!

© 2023 Leah Severson, Google SEO Ranking Consultant & Coach | 1225 Veteran's Way, Unit 415, Carmel, In

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