
Get New Clients and Make More Money with Your Photography

Get New Clients and Make More Money with Your Photography

Social Media Mastery for Photographers

April 22-25, 2024 (recordings available for later viewing)

A 4-part MasterClass - less than 1 hour a day - to help get your photography in front of more people on social media, land new clients, and make more money.

Learn Social Media Marketing the right way - in less than one hour per day.

As Seen On

Your photography is beautiful and you know you could make plenty of money - if ONLY you could get your work in front of more people.

But how the hell do you do that???

There are 3 main roadblocks keeping you from dominating social media…

Which one is keeping you stuck?


People aren’t seeing

your posts.

You wish you were getting lots of views every day without a lot of effort.

You wish more people were reaching out to book sessions via social media.

But because you're struggling to get views on your posts, you're left feeling frustrated and confused.

You don't know how to make social media work for your business.


When people DO see your posts, they scroll right past

You got into this business because you love photography - NOT social media marketing.

But people are scrolling right past your posts.

You're feeling completely overwhelmed by social media.

You know you're losing out on new photography clients because of it.


No one is booking you via social media

You’ve got the talent and passion.

Mamas and babies look amazing through your lens!

But you haven’t figured out how to reach enough people to make this business sustainable.

You're feeling invisible on social media - even though you see other photographers' posts all the time.

It feels like there are SO MANY THINGS standing

in your way which is causing you to...


Constantly offer discounts because you’re desperate to get bookings on your schedule.



Waste hours and hours creating ineffective social media content, even though you know you're not going to get any new clients from it.

Social Media is supposed to be a valuable, free resource to get new clients and make more money, but you just can't figure out how to do it. Sound familiar?

Hi Friends! I'm Leah!

If you're new to me, I've taught hundreds of photographers how to market their studios. I want you to create a sustainable income with your photography.

I've taught at photography workshops including the Sprout Retreat and the Newborn & Beyond Photography Workshop. I've also been a featured speaker on Summerana and Picsello Business MasterMind Group.

However, I was once in your shoes.

Even though I had built a successful photography business before social media even existed, that business started struggling in 2008.

The economy was tanking. Digital cameras flooded the market with new photographers.

I was no longer making the kind of money I needed to support my family.

I knew cracking the social media code was a crucial part of my marketing plan, so I learned from the experts. I tested and honed my process. And I started getting leads from social media.

In less than a year, I got my business back to thriving again and consistently making 6-figures each year.

Today, I have a steady supply of new and returning clients who keep my schedule - and my bank account - full.

Now I'm sharing it with other photographers who're struggling with social media. In just 4 days - and just 60 minutes each day - you'll learn how to get new clients through social media too.

Leah Severson

Here’s the exciting news friend: Social media works! It really does.

But you have to know how to do it the right way.

It doesn’t matter how great your photography is or how heartfelt your social media posts are.

If no one is seeing your content, you’ll never be able to make social media work for you to attract new clients and grow your photography business.

Successful photographers know that in order to build a business that gets seen on social media, a business that doesn’t rely on discounts, you need to have 3 things in place.

And that's remarkable content, meaningful engagement, and new followers.

Because at the end of the day, there are opportunities to get lots of new clients through social media.

Once you’ve nailed down these three ingredients, you’re well on your way to getting new clients without wasting money on paid advertising.

That means more money for you to spend on other things for your business, your family, and yourself. I can help you do this!


A 4-part Masterclass - just 60 minutes each lesson - to help photographers outsmart social media algorithms, land new clients, and make more money.

What Past Students Have to Say

SweetArt Photography

Straight Thru Photography

C. Marie Photography

Billi B Productions

LeAnn Stefan Photgraphy

Tami Higbee Photography

From creating posts that stand out to finding the best places to get new followers…

By the end of your Bootcamp, you’ll have a precise social media plan.

You'll know how to create great content, get the engagement you need, and grow your followers and your reputation.

You'll be well on your way to running that successful photography business you’ve always dreamed of.

And you can start making the money you deserve, and enjoying the freedom that comes from calling the shots.

Here’s What You’re Getting Inside This 4-Day Master Class

4 lessons to take you from baffled social media user to confident, successful, social media maven. ($1996 value).

Each day, I'll be sharing a new lesson to teach you step-by-step how to make social media work for you. I’ve taken the guesswork out of it.

I’ve studied, tested, and refined the key ingredients to successful social media pages. I've condensed the process into steps you can take RIGHT NOW!

Rev up your social media engine and finally get attention and meaningful engagement. You don’t have to do this alone! I’ve figured it out for you and I won’t hold anything back.

Training 1: Jumpstarting your Social Media Engagement ($499)

One of the most frustrating things about posting on social media is that your posts don’t get seen. It’s not your fault. You just don’t understand the algorithm. They’re all basically the same. And believe me, they’re a lot simpler than you think.

In Lesson 1, we’re going to break down the social media algorithms so you can understand why some posts get seen and others die. You’ll feel confident in knowing how to post the right way to get more new potential clients seeing your work.

Training 2: Creating Remarkable Content ($499)

You’re a photographer in a town that’s saturated with photographers. Everyone's working hard to get people seeing their social media posts.

For a lot of photographers, it’s a race to the bottom with their pricing. But your work is great and deserves to get noticed!

Inside this training, we’re going to break down how to create posts that your followers will engage with.

When your followers engage with your social media, they'll see more of it. Your beautiful pictures will start popping up in their feeds regularly.

Who do you think they'll call when they're ready to schedule their next portrait session? And more new clients would feel amazing - right??

Training 3: Growing Your Crowd ($499)

Once you've got more people seeing your posts, it's time to get even more followers. But how do you do this without a lot of work and hassle?

In Lesson 3, I’ll share the secrets to reaching even more new followers. Because new followers can turn into new clients - isn't that what it's all about?

Training 4: Creating Your Photography Marketing Roadmap ($499)

A lot of photographers think that if they just solve the social media issue, their business will explode to 6-figures.

The problem is, social media is only one piece of your overall marketing plan.

You need more than just great social media to build a thriving photography business that will bring you the income you want.

In training 4, I'll reveal the rest of my 4-step photography marketing framework. This is the marketing blueprint I've used for more than 20 years. It can get you to your ultimate dream - a successful, profitable photography business that gives you the money and the freedom to live the life you want.

Get the Step-by-Step Training to Master Social Media Marketing for Just $27!

When you sign up for the Social Media Mastery for Photographers Bootcamp, you'll get...

  • March 11, 1-Hour Training #1: Jumpstarting your Social Media Engagement ($499 value)​
  • March 12, 1-Hour Training #2: Creating Content that Gets Noticed ($499 value)
  • ​March 13, 1-Hour Training #3: Growing Your Crowd ($499 value)
  • ​March 14, 1-Hour Training #4: The Perfect, 4-part Studio Marketing Roadmap ($499 value)

Snag over $1996 in value

for just $27

And in case you need an extra (loving) push to believe in

yourself… here’s our 10x guarantee:

I 100% guarantee that you will love this Bootcamp.

If after Lesson 1 you feel like you haven't gotten at least 10X the value of your investment, I will happily refund your investment in full. All you have to do is email me after taking Lesson 1 and ask for a full refund.

Sound fair?

Have a burning question?

Here’s what’s come up for other


I know, I know, you don't have a ton of time to spend on this. That's why I get straight to it! Each lesson is less than 60 minutes and jam-packed with the exact things you need to know to make social media work for you. No fluff, no fillers, just information you can put into action immediately.

Totally! This masterclass is designed for photographers who are looking to start OR grow their social media presence. No matter where you are in your photography marketing journey, learning how to get social media working for you is vital.

  • Will this help me get clients?

Totally! I'm sharing the exact social media strategies I use to get more eyes on my social media accounts, which leads to more new clients.

  • Why is this Masterclass so cheap?

You're right! Maybe I should increase the price? Just kidding! But in all seriousness, I believe the information in this masterclass should be made available to everyone (no matter their situation), which is why the ticket price is so affordable. With that being said, I can't confirm that the price will stay this low in the future so I recommend you take advantage of it while you can!

If you’ve made it here…

then it’s time to make a decision...

Here’s the truth: nothing changes if you don't change.

If you're sick and tired of trying and not getting results...

If you've ever thought "I expected I'd be making more money by now"...

If you're frustrated at trying to figure out this social media s*&# yourself and just want someone to show. you. what. to. do.

Then straight up? You're falling behind if you're not in this Bootcamp.

Because doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity, my friend.

Stop struggling. Stop staying stuck with social media that goes nowhere. You deserve better than that.

So...you with me?

Leah Severson

Copyright © 2023 Leah Severson. All Rights Reserved.